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About Trucker Hookups

Trucker Hookups is where any trucker, from an OTR long haul driver to a Buster Brown, can meet the woman or man of their dreams.

Meet Trucker Dating Partners

The thousands of trucker dating profiles here are created by truckers, and people who want to meet a trucker and support their lifestyle which takes them to and fro. Every profile is made by a real person who, like you, is looking for some type of relationship, whether it’s a long term connection or a one-night hookup.

Getting Started at Trucker Hookups

Setting up a date with a trucker is easy as pie. Simply complete the form on this page and you’re well on your way to a free trucker dating profile. Once you’ve filled out your profile and added some pictures, start browsing the thousands of Trucker Hookups members. If you see someone you like, send them a Flirt for free. If you want to move forward, upgrade to send a more personalized message, enjoy trucker chat, and organize an in-person trucker date.

Trucker Hookup Help

If you’d like to learn more about Trucker Hookups, or you need some help while joining our trucker dating site, read our Frequently Asked Questions page.